
Blue Ridge Fiberboard to invest $2M in Danville plant
Blue Ridge Fiberboard plans to invest $2 million to improve efficiency at its Danville plant. The Danville Office of Economic Development announced the investment Thursday at the former Masonite plant. Blue Ridge Fiberboard employs 119 people at its plant at 250 Knight Celotex Way, the news release said. The company makes roofing, soundproofing...
A MILESTONE – With Berry Hill Industrial Park groundbreaking, hopes to attract thousands of jobs
After more than eight years of work by regional officials and years of wrangling with bureaucratic regulations, leaders finally broke ground at the 3,500-acre Berry Hill Industrial Park on Thursday afternoon. The groundbreaking ceremony was for phase one development — grading — of a 133-acre site at the park. For local, regional and state...
Tunstall High named National Blue Ribbon School
Tunstall High School was named a 2016 National Blue Ribbon School Sept. 28. by U.S. Secretary of Education, John B. King, Jr. Of the 329 public and private schools receiving the honor, only 54 were high schools, making the feat more impressive, said Tunstall High School Principal Brian Boles. Seven schools were nominated in Virginia, and Tunstall...
Economic director for Southern Virginia Regional Alliance named
The Southern Virginia Regional Alliance has named Linda Hutson Green as the new director of economic development.Green has an extensive career in the public and private sectors focused on economic development throughout Southern Virginia. She currently serves as Congressman Robert Hurt's District Director.In her new role, Green will be...
Governor McAuliffe Announces 22 New Jobs in Henry County
Solid Stone Fabrics to invest $1.5 million to expand textile manufacturing operationRICHMOND – Governor Terry McAuliffe announced today that Solid Stone Fabrics, a textile manufacturer and distributor of stretch fabrics, will invest $1.5 million to expand its operation in Henry County. The expansion will accommodate new equipment and include...
Governor McAuliffe Announces 41 New Jobs in City of Danville
Overfinch to invest $1.82 million to establish manufacturing operationFARNBOROUGH – Governor Terry McAuliffe announced today that Overfinch, the world's leading creator of bespoke Range Rover vehicles, will invest $1.82 million to establish a manufacturing operation in the City of Danville. The company plans to upfit Jaguar Land Rover vehicles,...
Pittsylvania County Named Virginia’s Third Certified Work Ready Community
RICHMOND – Governor Terry McAuliffe announced today that Pittsylvania County has been designated as a Certified Work Ready Community (CWRC). The nationally recognized designation by the Commonwealth and American College Testing (ACT) will help Pittsylvania County attract new businesses and jobs as it signifies job ready skill sets of the county's...
Governor McAuliffe Announces 15 New Jobs in Henry County
Alcoa to invest more than $8 million to expand manufacturing operationRICHMOND - Governor Terry McAuliffe announced today that lightweight metals leader Alcoawill invest more than $8 million to expand its aerospace forging capabilities at its Alcoa Titanium & Engineered Products manufacturing operation in Henry County. The investment will add...
Governor McAuliffe Announces 32 New Jobs in Henry County
PerformanceLivestock and Feed Company, Inc. to Invest More Than $4 Million to Establish Feed Production Operation in VirginiaRICHMOND – Governor Terry McAuliffe announced today that North Carolina-based Performance Livestock and Feed Company, Inc., will invest $4.2 million to establish a new feed production operation in Henry County. The...
Governor McAuliffe Announces New Jobs, Investment in Pittsylvania County
Gregory Lumber, Inc. to Expand Sawmill Operation, Purchase Almost $8 Million in Virginia Forest ProductsRICHMOND – Governor Terry McAuliffe announced today that Gregory Lumber, Inc. will expand its sawmill operations in Pittsylvania County. The company will create three new jobs in the county and source 75 percent of its timber needs from...